Friday, May 29, 2009


i am going to go ahead and make this a post about the highs and lows of my week.  why? because i have a feeling i am going to have a pretty chill/uneventful weekend.


1.  scrabble.  i was seriously craving a good game - and got one, outside on the starbucks patio (so nice, even though it was a bit more windy than i would have liked).  it was a close game, but my opponent pulled ahead right at the end by hitting a triple word score (really close... the entire game we were within approximately 6 points of each other).

2.  picnics.  picnics are always great.  bocce ball? yes.  delicious foods (examples=the best pasta salad, brie, an assortment of dips, mango)? yes.  sweet friends? yes.  hilarious/drunken party games? yes.  perfect. 

3.  just the fact that it feels completely like summertime now.  sunshine, warm weather, being outside, summer music... everything feels happier in the summer.

downfalls :(

1.  mosquitos and spiders (while picnicking).  my enemy... well, really, they weren't too bad.  i only encountered one spider, and only got one mosquito bite.

2.  full-size crave cupcakes.  bad idea.  i need to remember to always stick with minis.

3.  i am having trouble coming up with a number three (even one and two aren't even really bad).  i had a pretty excellent week.  oh, cutting mango! so difficult! it was too complicated for me, and i was unprepared... but it was so worth it in the end.  i love mango.

love keiko.

p.s.  i have an honourable mention for my highlights!  people rarely ever make me mix cds, and i love mixes (i love making them for people, and i love receiving them even more... hint hint).  anyway, someone made me a pretty sweet mix (of basically all songs i've never heard) this week, which is pretty rad.  

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